Greenland – lands of contrasts


Greenland – lands of contrasts

Join photographer Carsten Egevang for a visually stunning and thought-provoking journey through the Arctic and Greenland. Through his photography, Carsten seeks to communicate the real and immediate effects of climate change on this fragile region, both for humans and animals.

Carsten’s images offer a glimpse into a frozen world that very few people have the opportunity to experience firsthand, and he uses his art to tell the story of the rapid changes taking place in the living conditions of those who call the Arctic home. In Greenland, climate change is not just a future scenario but a present reality with significant consequences for all life. Through his photography, Carsten hopes to raise awareness about his personal concerns for the alarming future we face and encourage others to take action.

Join the talk to see the Arctic through the lens of a talented and passionate photographer and learn more about the impact of climate change on this unique and vital region.

  • Duration: 30 min


12 Feb 2023


14:15 - 14:45


Xposure Auditorium
Xposure Auditorium


  • Carsten Egevang
    Carsten Egevang

    Carsten Egevang is a researcher in Arctic biology, an award-winning photographer and a visual communicator specialized in documenting wildlife and culture in Greenland over the past three decades.

    Born in Denmark, Egevang has had a passion for the Arctic regions since his early years. He conducted his master’s and PhD degrees in Biology at the University of Copenhagen, focusing on the ecology of seabirds in Greenland. He was the leader of an international study, where the ground-breaking results documented the migration of the Arctic Tern from the Arctic to the Antarctic

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