

“Tracks” is a captivating drama that follows the remarkable journey of Robyn Davidson (Mia Wasikowska), who embarks on an extraordinary adventure across the Australian desert with her camels. Based on Davidson’s memoir, the film chronicles her nine-month odyssey, spanning 1,700 miles, as she seeks solitude and connection with the vast and unforgiving landscape.

Driven by a fierce independence and a desire to challenge societal norms, Robyn sets out on her arduous trek, encountering both the beauty and harshness of the desert along the way. Alongside her faithful camels, she grapples with solitude, self-discovery, and the challenges of survival in the wilderness.

As Robyn’s journey unfolds, she captures the attention of acclaimed National Geographic photographer Rick Smolan (Adam Driver), who documents her expedition. Their paths cross intermittently, offering moments of connection and reflection amidst the isolation of the desert.

“Tracks” is a poignant exploration of resilience, determination, and the search for meaning in the vastness of the Australian outback. Through breathtaking cinematography and compelling performances, the film immerses viewers in Robyn’s transformative journey of self-discovery and adventure.

Following the screening, acclaimed photographer Rick Smolan, whose work is featured prominently in the film, will be available to answer questions, offering insights into the real-life expedition and the process of capturing its essence through photography.


  • Duration: -
Sold out!


05 Mar 2024


16:25 - 18:35


Film Screening,


Film Stage
Film Stage


Xposure International Photography Festival
Xposure International Photography Festival
+971 6 512 3411


  • Rick Smolan
    Rick Smolan

    Rick Smolan, a New York Times bestselling author and photojournalist, is acclaimed for the “Day in the Life” books, with over five million copies sold. As a Time, Life, and National Geographic photographer, he merges storytelling with technology. Oprah Winfrey featured his work, and he received the Ellis Island Medal of Honor. A pioneer in interactive publishing, Smolan’s latest book, “THE GOOD FIGHT,” earned awards and People Magazine recognition. His influential projects, speeches at global events, and foresight into emerging technologies have left a lasting impact on photography and publishing.

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