Arts For Future
Andrea Belluso
Arts for Future supports transparent organisations that dedicate 70% of their funding received from the sales of our art directly to their mission-driven activities. This diverse photography project—encompassing graphic art, dance, fashion, floral arrangements, beauty, and more—aims to highlight and contribute to efforts that are actively working to heal the Earth.
The initiative focuses on organisations that ensure funds are spent efficiently, avoiding excessive salaries, expensive office spaces, and other non-essential costs, ensuring the majority of the resources go directly towards their environmental and humanitarian actions.
Arts For Future: Chapter 1
"The Personification of Nature", created with the contribution of the Swedish Royal Opera. The images include photography and digital art, something that was until then totally "out of the box" and something totally new to Andrea Belluso.
Arts For Future: Chapter 2
Shot in the rainforest of Calakmul in Mexico in April 2021, contributes to Amigos de Calakmul, an association of biologists that have been creating something unique in the world concerning the protection and restoration of the biodiversity of the forest, the prevention the sale of private land in the rainforest that far too often results in burning the trees (and thus also destroying the biodiversity) in order to create crops and pastures that are harmful not only to the rainforest of Calakmul but to the planet at large.
The mediums used are photography with superimposition.