Exhibitions 2025

Abyss of Earth

Isabella Tabacchi

Isabella Tabacchi's nature photography series captures the volcanic landscapes from Kamchatka peninsula, Northern Chile, Iceland, and Japan.
Her journeys to these diverse but similar places immortalize the striking contrasts between the lush, vibrant colors of thriving nature and the ominous, desolate shades of deadly and destructive volcanoes.

In some landscapes the chaos and the destructive effects of the volcanic eruptions invaded the environment, for instance, in the “dead forest” in front of Tolbachik volcano in Kamchatka Peninsula. In other places like in Yamanashi region in Japan, cherry trees are blooming every year in front of Mount Fuji, creating a romantic symbiosis with the iconic volcano. In other locations, cinder, lava, acid crater lakes create the illusion of a new magical but deadly World that took the place of the living nature.

Tabacchi's photography reveals the duality of volcanic environments, where life flourishes amidst the remnants of cataclysmic eruptions. This project tells a story of resilience, death and rebirth, showcasing how ecosystems adapt and often resist in front of an unavoidable destiny. The plants, flowers and animals symbolize life's tenacity and rebirth, while the dark, ash-laden landscapes remind viewers of death.

Through her lens, Tabacchi highlights the intricate interplay between creation and destruction, emphasizing the infinite cycle of life and death in our planet.