Britta Jaschinski - Xposure

Britta Jaschinski

Known for her unique photojournalism style, Britta Jaschinski has been named one of the most influential photographers of our time. She has won numerous international awards and works with authorities, environmental organisations, charities and global institutions, documenting crimes against wildlife and nature. Her images are published in magazines, newspapers and books worldwide and exhibited in galleries, museums and photography events.

Jaschinski is the co-creator and co-editor of the highly acclaimed campaign and award-winning book initiative: Photographers Against Wildlife Crime. Jaschinski joined forces with other photographers to use their iconic images to help end the illegal wildlife trade in our lifetime.

The project brought together some of the world’s best visual storytellers. The campaign is valuable to a constructive dialogue among influencers, law and policymakers worldwide, and even in Asia, about ending the demand for wildlife products.

Subsequently, Jaschinski was asked to speak at the YIXI – Get Inspired (equivalent to a TED talk) in China. Thousands saw the talk in just a few hours. It prompted the Chinese State-owned publisher to invite Jaschinski to produce a book campaign aimed explicitly at wildlife consumers in Asia to highlight the devastating consequences of biodiversity loss and the connection between the wildlife trade and viral pandemics.

Britta Jaschinski sample of work
'Licence To Kill' - Wildlife or Commodity? Jaschinski takes photographs of illegally traded wildlife and derivatives seized at airports and borders across the globe.
Britta Jaschinski sample of work
'Confiscated' - Elephant feet turned into footstools in the name of power, greed and superstition.

Her most recent work is The Evidence Project – a collection of her images and photographs by some of the world’s best photographers. The hand-selected photos are ‘the evidence’ to call upon governments, lawmakers, opinion shapers and the general public to make the right choices to secure a safe future for humans and animals. The book with this powerful selection of photographs will be launched in 2023.

Jaschinski investigates the relationship between humans and the natural world. Her photographs of items seized at airports and borders across the globe are a quest to understand why some individuals continue to demand wildlife products, even if this causes suffering and, in some cases, pushes species to the brink of extinction.


Britta Jaschinski’s collectable photography prints are sold to art dealers, museums, collectors and photography lovers. Her prints are exhibited in galleries, museums and auction rooms worldwide.

Britta Jaschinski is the co-creator and co-editor of several books published by her publishing initiative, Photographers Against Wildlife Crime:

Photographers Against Wildlife Crime, English Edition, 2018
Photographers Against Wildlife Crime, English & Chinese Language, 2019
Photographers Against Wildlife Crime, Chinese Edition, Citic Press, 2020
The Evidence Project, English Edition, 2023